
Non-commercial event series by independent German Outsourcing Association


For registered participants of the event(-s)

Terms and Conditions

By registering as an attendee or a partner for the events you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, which are only available in English. Without registration and without the received payment for the participation fee (if any) prior to the event, the event can not be attended.


Tickets and partnership packages for the events are available with the conditions indicated on the home page or information provided by a representative of the organisers, no other services are included in the charged fees. Your registration for the event will be confirmed via email automatically or individually. Free of charge attendees will receive their ticket and/or confirmation as soon as possible. Attendees with a participation fee will receive their final confirmation after their payment is received by the organiser. At the registration desk of the event, the participant needs to identify her/him self, separate tickets will not be issued.

Commercial partnerships

The partnership packages include the services which are enlisted on the home page or the information provided by the organiser, e.g. in their info PDF of the event. These terms and conditions and the home page of the event include all relevant clauses for the partners as well, no separate agreement will be signed. However, partners receive detailed information via email on the deliverable materials after their payment is fully received by the organiser.


Invoices on the participation will be available in their accounts on the event website or will be emailed after the registration as soon as possible. Non German attendees will not be invoiced the VAT as they are obliged to pay VAT in their tax residence country. Invoices on the participation fees shall be paid via bank transfer within 5 working days. Late registrations shall be still paid prior to the event.


No fees or payments are refundable in case of no-show from the attendees or partners, but event materials will be still received. If a partner cancels the participation more than 4 weeks before the event the paid fees shall be refunded. In case the cancelation happens less than 4 weeks before the event a 90 EUR cancellation fee will be destructed from the refund. If a partner cancels less than 4 weeks prior to the event a cancelation fee of 390 EUR will be destructed from the refund. Appearance on the event materials included in the partnership package may not be granted. If the organizer cancels the event, all payments shall be reimbursed within 15 days.


The organizer preserves the right of changing the program and location of the event. Any change in the program will be updated on the event’s home page immediately.

The participants receive the presentations of the event – as they are available for the organiser – electronically within 4 weeks after the event. The materials will be distributed via time limited download, that might be password protected. Received passwords shall be treated confidentially and shall not be disclosed to any third parties.

Personal data

Active participants, such as speakers and panelists will be kindly asked to send a picture about themselves to the organiser prior to the event.

The name, a picture, the company and contact details of the participants will be available among the closed group of the participants, in the event/networking catalogue.

If the organizer provides this feature, all participants will have an individual profile page at www.rpa-forum.org – available only for the other participants and protected by login. The information on the page, specifically the contact information are not obligatory to disclose. Other than that, no personal data will be disclosed to any third parties and will be handled confidentially. Any contact information received by the organiser with the registrations will be kept and may be used for the information services (incl. newsletters, invites to other initiatives etc.) provided by the organiser.

If you do not agree on sharing the above mentioned data with the participants, or do not give your consent on the preservation and future use of your data please inform the organiser in written form (email) along with your registration, so respective steps can be taken.

The event/networking catalogue is a confidential information, therefore the participants shall not disclose any data from it to third parties.

Recordings and photographs

It is forbidden for the participants to video record any part of the event. The organiser may video record the presentations of the event, and may disclose these recordings to third parties other than the participants as well. The organizer may also take pictures for communication and presentation purposes and may disclose them to third parties other than the participants. If you do not agree on recording your presentation or appear in pictures of the event, please inform the organiser prior to the event.


The presentations of the event are copyright protected, where the copyright owner is the presenter, who gives the consent without financial claims on the distribution of these materials by the organiser to the participants of the event and maybe to third parties as well. Any material received by the participants in connection with the presentations can only be further disclosed by the participants with the written consent of the copyright owner.

Transfer of the tickets

It is possible to transfer a ticket to an other person.  Any change in the participation shall be announced to the organiser latest 5 days prior to the event.

Promotional materials

Promotional materials shall not be disseminated by the participants with the exception of the official event partners (except partners whith a package that does not include this feature), their exhibiting possibilities are outlined on the home page and/or in the information provided by the organiser of the event.


If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall continue in full force and effect.

These Terms and Conditions represent the entire agreement between the organiser and the participants of the event. The organiser is not liable for any breach of obligations resulting from causes beyond its reasonable control. Communication between the organiser and the participants is done via email, which is contractually binding in the same way as properly signed and dated documentation sent by post.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany.