Non-commercial event series by independent German Outsourcing Association


Independent, non-profit, international

Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. and Outsourcing Journal

The German Outsourcing Association is an independent, non-profit network for professionals and organizations, involved or interested in cooperation with external or internal service providers in IT and in the back-office.

You can learn more and apply for membership at (DE/EN)


Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V. (DOV)
(In englischen Texten als ā€œGerman Outsourcing Associationā€ bezeichnet)

Lumumbastr 14
39126 Magdeburg

Vorstand (Management Board): Stephan Fricke

The Deutsche Outsourcing Verband e.V. (German Outsourcing Association) is registered at company registry court in Stendal (Germany) with the number VR2567. The tax numbers are: 102/140/03738Ā  VAT-Id: DE276 396 108

Read the full imprint and data protection and terms here